Well, we Nomads gotta go get our pilots from the labs at Montalban. My usual weekday opponent is slammed by
Author: Wise Kensai
Steel Sandcastle
I’ve been taking a bit of a break from Infinity due to a big increase in workload at ye old
Mission 057: Reinforcements
A huge thanks to Piotr (Tcional) for his great response to the last Bromad Academy mission! This mission’s pretty straightforward.
How To: Deal with Fireteams – Case Studies
By Tcional This time I will approach my report a bit differently. Over the past quarter I’ve played 16 games
Hidden Flame
I was supposed to play Adam in B-Pong, but Marko (markob) was patiently waiting for a game when I arrived
Hollow Victory
I showed up to game night without a real plan and just the lists I had packed from the previous
That’s Bait
By the time the third round of the tournament rolled around I was pretty wiped. That didn’t stop me from
A Fan of Damage
Game three of the tournament was versus Cole (Mooseman). I also had the extra challenge this last round of simultaneously
Waiting Crane
Game two of the tournament (game one here): I was paired against Erik (Zelaponeepus) on this table: Overview I was
Frozen Eagle Claw
I had the fun experience of Jeff of Shiv Games fame asking “who is FoolishAshigaru?” and sheepishly raising my hand.