falls in the forest… been busy writing missions for Operation Edgelord, so I had to test them. Thanks to James
Category: RomanLegion
Bao Jia
After the terrible game on my aircraft table, let the table tuning begin! James (RomanLegion) is back from his long
Crane Style
After a somewhat frustrating game against Steel on the airplane table where they start at -12 before range mods (Mim
Morat Impersonators
I was a little sad about my last tournament outing with Steel Phalanx from early in the year so I
Cenobite Crusade
I was pretty happy with my last outing with Bakunin, but I wasn’t sure if it was a fluke: So
New Model Syndrome
One of the nice things about playing a tournament at Shiv Games is the really big Infinity stock. CB sent
Daofei Disappoint
Highly Classified is always a difficult mission, but I do enjoy it. James (RomanLegion) agreed to be my sparring partner,
Aida Wanna Grow Up
After the last game of Looting and Sabotaging I really needed a better plan for AC2 defense. James also assembled
Cling to your Corner
I had a game win with Combined under my belt, now I just needed to prove that I could do
Bravery Without Forethought
I had strong opinions about my list after my last game with Combined. It had good bones but was missing